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8 Reasons Why Wellness Professionals Should Guest Blog

Getting your business to stand out in the digital age is a journey. With plethora of digital marketing tools available at your disposal, a new problem is born. Choosing which tools are worth your time and which are not. Informational blogging, in all aspects, is one of those tools which you must consider. If you are running a wellness business, be it wellness coaching, yoga or massage therapy, one thing is certain, having an article written about your business is an extremely beneficial way to promote. What about flipping to the other side of that coin and writing your own wellness content on another website? This, too, comes with major perks and there are plenty of concrete reasons why wellness professionals should guest blog on other wellness websites.

8 Reasons Why Wellness Professionals Should Guest Blog

Now, you may be asking ‘Why would I publish a health and wellness blog on someone else’s website as opposed to my own? Which is more beneficial?’ The answer is BOTH! However, each comes with its own, separate, advantages. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of writing for another website in your niche. Here are 8 reasons why wellness professionals should guest blog for other reputable wellness websites to promote their own website, services, and brand.

Reach a new audience.

Guest blogging allows you to expand your brand awareness and share your expertise or ideas with a new audience that may not have otherwise heard of your business. The idea is that by sharing your content on a website that has a larger following or a different audience, you can expand your reach and gain exposure for your brand, product, or message.

Build relationships.

Establish relationships with other bloggers, industry influencers, and prominent websites which can be valuable for networking and building your professional reputation. Having a network of support, even if it’s online, is paramount to ones success. And we want to see you succeed!

Improve search engine rankings.

Another reasons why wellness professionals should guest blog is your articles can help improve your own websites search engine rankings by increasing the number of high-quality, relevant backlinks pointing to your website. If you post your blog on another, well-established wellness website, this guarantees a quality link pointing back at your business. This will increase the authority of your website, making it more likely to appear in top search results.

Increase traffic to your website.

This one expands on the previous point. Most websites which will accept your content will allow you to include a website link for your company in your bio or an author page. This can help drive traffic to your your own website, and improve your search engine rankings.

Wellness Digital Marketing for Small Businesses
Looks like a website, acts like digital support system.

Establish yourself as an expert.

Here’s the deal – when you write guest posts for other wellness websites, you’re not just getting your content out there to a wider audience. You’re also demonstrating your knowledge and expertise on a topic to people who may not have heard of you before. By writing informative and valuable content for a new audience, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract new customers and establishing you as a thought leader in your industry.

Boost your credibility.

Think about it – when you’re writing for another website, you’re essentially telling their audience that you know your stuff. You’re sharing your expertise and insights on a topic, and that can go a long way in building your reputation, credibility, and customer trust as an expert in your field. If your article gets published, don’t forget to repost the article on your own social media to let others marvel at your work!

8 reasons why wellness professionals should guest blog boosting credibility.
Trust me! I’m not a doctor, but I do play one on TV!

Enhance your social media presence.

Becoming a guest author can help increase your social media reach and engagement, leading to more followers and potential customers for you or your business. This all leads back to your company brand becoming more visible on multiple digital channels.

Because you love to teach.

This last one is a fantastic reason why wellness professionals should guest blog and spread their knowledge! Many practitioners hesitate and think they need to be a total expert to do this. While some of that is true and you certainly should know the subject well, some of it is knowing how to reframe ideas from a different perspective that allows for new insight! What fresh ideas do you have that could be shared with the world? What are you passionate about? What have you experimented with? Do you have any heart-warming client success stories? Have you struggled and overcome something difficult? All of these things can be a topic for your content.

Bonus: How To Get Started With Wellness Guest Blogging

Regardless of whether you enjoy writing about fitness, nutrition, or mental health, posting educational wellness content on other related websites can truly transform your business. The following are some concrete steps to take to get your wellness blog published.

  1. Identify relevant websites and blogs.
    Start by identifying websites and blogs that are relevant to the wellness industry and your overall topic. You can try searching the terms ‘wellness article publishing’ or ‘wellness guest blogging’ in search engines. Without having to look too far, Massology Wellness Journal can be a great option for those wanting to share their expertise and become a guest author on many wellness-related topics. Check out our Wellness Publishing page to see the qualifications for our wellness guest authors and article submissions.
  2. Research the site’s guidelines.
    Every reputable website that accepts guest articles will have their own guest posting guidelines. This includes the posts formatting, writing style, topic limitation, and more. So be sure to check these, prior to starting your article. This will ensure that you’re following the site’s rules and that your content is a good fit for the site’s audience. Such guidelines are often be located in footer links of websites.
  3. Pitch your ideas.
    Sometimes, you can have a piece of content ready for publishing, which you can format according to the sites guidelines, then simply submit. Thereafter, a website will either accept or reject your article. Other times, you must pitch the idea first. Once you’ve identified a site or sites that you’re interested in writing for, pitch your ideas to the site’s editors. Your pitch should include a brief summary of your proposed topic and how it will benefit the site’s audience.
  4. Write high-quality content.
    You want to provide value to the site’s audience and make a good impression on the site’s editors. Your content should be engaging, informative, and spell checked. Also, while we understand how popular some AI writing tools have become, we urge you to use your own, perfectly flawed, human creativity and experience to write your article.
  5. Promote your guest post.
    Once your guest post is published, promote it on your own website and social media channels. This will help you spread the word to your own audience and most importantly, FEEL PROUD OF YOUR HARD WORK.

As a final note, we would like to emphasize that you should avoid getting trapped in your own mind or concealing yourself behind feelings of ‘imposter syndrome’. We recognize how challenging it can be to overcome such a mental hurdle. However, we encourage you to have faith in your capabilities. Go out there and write an amazing article or make a cool video on something you know something about!


Massology Wellness
MASSOLOGY |  + posts

Est. in 2011, Massology Wellness is a USA, Florida-based, digital organization that serves two branches of business for customers and wellness practitioners. For customers, Massology Wellness offers mobile wellness services in Central and Northern Florida. Globally, Massology Wellness provides digital marketing tools for wellness professionals that help facilitate small business operations.

8 Reasons Why Wellness Professionals Should Guest Blog